Acne (vulgaris) affects between 40 to 50 million individuals in the
What is acne?
As leather needs to be oiled, our skin needs sebum. This sebum is produced in pockets in the true skin and transported to the surface of the outer skin through narrow tubes: sebum canals.
If these sebum canals are partially or completely blocked, sebum accumulates in these pockets, and inflammations are caused.
What causes acne?
A lot of moisture in the skin pinching off sebum canals combined with a high sebum
production. If the skin does not contain excessive moisture, a high sebum production is not a problem at all. Sebum is essential to keep the skin flexible and youthful. The more sebum is produced, the more flexible and healthy the skin is. The less sebum is produced, the faster the outer skin cells dehydrate and age. If your skin contains too much moisture but produces little sebum, you will not have acne, but you will have a swollen skin.
What causes water retention in the skin?
- Consumption of too much prepared proteinaceous food and/or salt/spicy foods, in particular;
- Consuming too little fat can cause too strong fluctuations in blood-sugar level, which can make you temporarily retain more water;
- Stress (for stress-hormones enhance decomposition of cells into smaller proteins, which hold more water);
- Alcohol;
- Hormones in hormonal contraceptives, meat, cheese or milk;
- Fluctuation of hormone levels due to sterilization or removal of the womb, ovaries, or the oviducts;
- Naturally elevated levels of one or multiple hormones, which is rare;
- Many drugs and medicines.
What causes a high sebum production?
By nature there are dominant and less dominant individuals; this ensures diversity within a population so that there are leaders and followers.
Therefore, some individuals will produce more of specific hormones than others, and some will produce more sebum than others because hormones like testosterone and progesterone stimulate sebum production. Dominant individuals, in general, may produce more testosterone and / or progesterone (relative to estrogen), and therefore be more susceptible to acne. In some, their hormones may even cause a bit of acne if they consume only raw natural foods and no salt or spices at all, but in most acne patients (even in severe cystic acne) an adequate change in diet will totally eliminate their acne.
Besides hormones there also other factors that determine whether you produce much sebum or not.
For example: Exposing your skin to excessive sunlight or aggressive chemicals may stimulate the skin to produce more sebum to counteract their dehydrative effects. And in some patients acne can be decreased by taking supplementary (mega doses) vitamin B5 for example. However, be aware that this can also have adverse effects, since the body also produces vitamin B5, and supplementary B5 can impair the system that regulates B5 production by the body.
Getting read of acne it is one of the most difficult tasks, it can appear out of nowhere. Luckily there are special methods that will help you to get read of acne in just 3 days.
Click here and enjoy a free body without acne
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