
Home tretments for acne

What is Acne ?

Acne is one of the most common dermatological conditions seen by the practising physician. It typically begins in early adolescence and is frequently associated with the pubertal changes. The age of onset is younger in females, usually around the age of 12-13 years, and 14-15 years in males because of their later onset of puberty. Acne is frequently associated with a family history, perhaps in up to about 40% of people are related to this type of acne.


Whiteheads are closed from the skin's surface by cellular debris at the follicle opening. Because they are closed from oxygen they do not oxidize or turn brown. They form a light or yellow-white lump and are called milia (or milium, singular). When bacteria is added to these plugs, the condition can lead to acne

Home treatments

Here are five effective home remedies to fight back acne

• Toothpaste can be used to get rid of acne in a few days. One must use only white opaque toothpaste; the paste needs to be applied on the boils directly. Overnight is better, the mint will draw out the heat from the boils thus healing them;

• The use of almond oil is another way of getting rid of acne. It is good for dry skin types. The oil acts a moisturizer and nourishes the skin; it extracts the toxins from under the skin thus getting rid of the acne;

• Oatmeal is another wonderful healer of acne and can be used easily. It needs to be cooked and cooled, the same needs to be mixed with lukewarm water and applied on the entire face. It can be rinsed after say about twelve minutes, This is an effective home remedy and it keeps the skin healthy by removing the toxins and oil in the ducts;

• Orange peel is also effective in the healing of acne. It must be mixed with water and applied on the affected areas. Orange peel is known to have cleansing properties and can do wonders for the skin;

• Baking powder can do the job as well. Take required amount of baking powder and mix it with water to a thick paste. Apply the paste on the face and leave for four minutes. Then wash it off with cold water and pat the face dry with towel. The results show within weeks.

Besides these five wonderful home remedies one must drink plenty of water as it flushes out the toxins in the body. A healthy diet and exercise also helps in the prevention of acne. Try these and you can say goodbye to the problem at hand!

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