
How to get read of acne – Things we are never told about

Acne And Hormones

Acne and Age

Most people think acne is limited to puberty and is all about hormones going wild. It is true that the opposing effects of different hormones regulate sebum production.

Testosterone (an androgen) and progesterone increase and estrogens decrease sebum production. Hormones regulate sebum production because the skin requires the right amount of sebum to stay flexible. And yes, normally acne first appears in puberty due to a larger androgen-production. 36% of teenagers have acne, 85% of adolescents have had acne at some time, and 89% of women with acne have had it since the onset of menstruation. But not only adolescents have acne. An increasing number of adults are now affected, women in particular; 12% of middle-aged women still have facial acne. Some people still have acne when they are 70 years old.

Even infants can have acne, even from the age of six months. Since nowadays more and more infants get acne, doctors even have a name for it: "baby-acne", they simply say that this is due to the hormones the babies receive from the mother.

The current theory runs thus: in everybody with acne "the hormones go wild" .….. but that is too easy an answer.


If sebum canals are pinched off and much sebum is produced, you will have acne. Androgens increase sebum production so if your androgen levels are increased, you are more likely to have acne. But androgen production is certainly not excessive in all acne patients. In 61% of women with acne the level of at least one androgen hormone (like testosterone) is slightly elevated, which means that in 39% of women with acne the level of all androgens is either equal to, or even below, average.

Due to the menstrual cycle, progesterone level strongly fluctuates. But in only 30% of women with acne, is acne severity related to the menstrual cycle. In 39% of women with acne, the menstrual cycle is irregular. So what do all these numbers tell us?

Androgens and progesterone exacerbate acne, but are not the cause. Suppressing excessive androgen production by oral contraceptive use can decrease acne, but this still does not remove the cause. Moreover, use of any hormonal contraceptive can cause breast cancer.


Cortisol is a corticosteroid hormone produced by the body that facilitates decomposition of protein. Like Cortisone, cortisol has been (and is) applied to 'solve' stress injuries and unexplainable pains; administration of cortisol simply eliminates the pain by destroying the targeted tissue, eliminating inflammation and healthy cells as well.

In acne, the cortisol level is often elevated. Not everyone who consumes 'dirty' protein retains water because how effectively protein is decomposed and absorbed is individually different. If you absorb much un-decomposed ('dirty') protein, you are more likely to have acne. That is why in acne the cortisol level is often elevated; to fight the inflammations and to clean up that extra 'dirty' protein in the skin. Because they lessen inflammations and clean up 'dirty' protein, corticosteroids can be successfully administrated to diminish acne. Unfortunately, administration of corticosteroids can also easily impair the system that regulates natural cortisol secretion by the body. Repeated or prolonged administration of corticosteroids can therefore make your body eventually produce too little cortisol to clean up 'dirty' protein. Logically, one is more likely to have acne if natural cortisol-metabolism is impaired. Administration of cortisol can even cause acne directly. The reason: Cortisol destroys tissue, which causes the release of small protein molecules from the destroyed cells. These remainders of cell-protein partly end up in the skin, causing water retention (and acne). That is why stress can also aggravate skin conditions; Cortisol is a 'stress-hormone', released when triggered by stress. Since it does not take away the cause of acne, and it can impair your natural cortisol metabolism, administration of corticosteroids to fight acne is a bad choice.

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What is the real cause of acne and how to fight it back - Tips that can be help you in dealing with this problem

Acne (vulgaris) affects between 40 to 50 million individuals in the United States alone, whole world that figures is around 200 million of individuals.

What is acne?

As leather needs to be oiled, our skin needs sebum. This sebum is produced in pockets in the true skin and transported to the surface of the outer skin through narrow tubes: sebum canals.

If these sebum canals are partially or completely blocked, sebum accumulates in these pockets, and inflammations are caused.

What causes acne?

A lot of moisture in the skin pinching off sebum canals combined with a high sebum

production. If the skin does not contain excessive moisture, a high sebum production is not a problem at all. Sebum is essential to keep the skin flexible and youthful. The more sebum is produced, the more flexible and healthy the skin is. The less sebum is produced, the faster the outer skin cells dehydrate and age. If your skin contains too much moisture but produces little sebum, you will not have acne, but you will have a swollen skin.

What causes water retention in the skin?

- Consumption of too much prepared proteinaceous food and/or salt/spicy foods, in particular;

- Consuming too little fat can cause too strong fluctuations in blood-sugar level, which can make you temporarily retain more water;

- Stress (for stress-hormones enhance decomposition of cells into smaller proteins, which hold more water);

- Alcohol;

- Hormones in hormonal contraceptives, meat, cheese or milk;

- Fluctuation of hormone levels due to sterilization or removal of the womb, ovaries, or the oviducts;

- Naturally elevated levels of one or multiple hormones, which is rare;

- Many drugs and medicines.

What causes a high sebum production?

By nature there are dominant and less dominant individuals; this ensures diversity within a population so that there are leaders and followers.

Therefore, some individuals will produce more of specific hormones than others, and some will produce more sebum than others because hormones like testosterone and progesterone stimulate sebum production. Dominant individuals, in general, may produce more testosterone and / or progesterone (relative to estrogen), and therefore be more susceptible to acne. In some, their hormones may even cause a bit of acne if they consume only raw natural foods and no salt or spices at all, but in most acne patients (even in severe cystic acne) an adequate change in diet will totally eliminate their acne.

Besides hormones there also other factors that determine whether you produce much sebum or not.

For example: Exposing your skin to excessive sunlight or aggressive chemicals may stimulate the skin to produce more sebum to counteract their dehydrative effects. And in some patients acne can be decreased by taking supplementary (mega doses) vitamin B5 for example. However, be aware that this can also have adverse effects, since the body also produces vitamin B5, and supplementary B5 can impair the system that regulates B5 production by the body.

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Causes, symtoms and treatmens for blackheads

What is a Blackhead ?

A blackhead is a yellowish or blackish bump or plug on the skin. Blackheads are also called open comedomes. A blackhead is a type of acne vulgaris. It is caused by excess oils that have accumulated in the sebaceous gland's duct. The substance found in these bumps mostly consists of keratin and modified sebum (an oily secretion of the sebaceous gland), which darkens as it oxidizes.

Blackheads are the slightly different sibling of zits, and like zits, squeezing them can be addictive. Composed of the same oil, or sebum, that contributes to the production of pimples, blackheads result from a building up of this oil in pores the difference in appearance is the result of the blackhead's exposure to the air, the reaction of which with the oil causes the trademark black color of these blemishes. And while blackheads are more easily obscured by makeup, they can seem less offensive to the sufferer, and as a result, less damaging to squeeze. But squeezing is not good for blackhead. It leaves a permanent scar on skin and also infection will occur.

Different kind of blackheads is caused by the densely packed skin cells, which take on a dark colour excessive cellular exfoliation. The other name of Blackheads is open comedones, skin coloured are flat, darkened spots that form when pores become clogged with a mixture of sebum (or oil) and dead skin cells. Whiteheads and blackheads, both symptoms of the skin condition acne, commonly appear on the face and shoulders, but they may also develop on the trunk, arms, legs, and buttocks. They are most common in teenagers but can occur at any age.


According to the Acne Resource Center, some causes of blackheads and acne are genetics, hormones, some medications, stress, humidity and physical irritation. When it is humid, the acne sufferer sweats, and this sweat mixes with the oils in the skin; add tight clothing which chafes or rubs an area of the skin and the patient has optimal conditions for forming a blackhead. Pregnant women sometimes suffer outbreaks of acne, caused by the significant changes in their hormones.

Blackheads it may also be caused by excess of skin oil, or when sebum and congesting toxins are expelled through your skin from the blood and lymph fluid that supplies your skin with nutrients. These congesting toxins combined with skin oil and sebum clogs your pores causing blackheads, whiteheads, and full blown acne. Dirt also plays a big role in developing skin blackheads. The dirt stored on the face or other parts of body make the bacteria to develop. The dirt with oily skin makes things even worse. Although food id thought not to be the cause of blackhead but doctor believe that there may be some role of food in it too.


Blackheads and whiteheads are a combination of oils, sebum and cellular fragments that form firm to hard plugs within hair follicles. Blackheads are open to the skin's surface and become darkened at the surface by exposure to oxygen. They are called open comedones (or comedo, singular).


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Home tretments for acne

What is Acne ?

Acne is one of the most common dermatological conditions seen by the practising physician. It typically begins in early adolescence and is frequently associated with the pubertal changes. The age of onset is younger in females, usually around the age of 12-13 years, and 14-15 years in males because of their later onset of puberty. Acne is frequently associated with a family history, perhaps in up to about 40% of people are related to this type of acne.


Whiteheads are closed from the skin's surface by cellular debris at the follicle opening. Because they are closed from oxygen they do not oxidize or turn brown. They form a light or yellow-white lump and are called milia (or milium, singular). When bacteria is added to these plugs, the condition can lead to acne

Home treatments

Here are five effective home remedies to fight back acne

• Toothpaste can be used to get rid of acne in a few days. One must use only white opaque toothpaste; the paste needs to be applied on the boils directly. Overnight is better, the mint will draw out the heat from the boils thus healing them;

• The use of almond oil is another way of getting rid of acne. It is good for dry skin types. The oil acts a moisturizer and nourishes the skin; it extracts the toxins from under the skin thus getting rid of the acne;

• Oatmeal is another wonderful healer of acne and can be used easily. It needs to be cooked and cooled, the same needs to be mixed with lukewarm water and applied on the entire face. It can be rinsed after say about twelve minutes, This is an effective home remedy and it keeps the skin healthy by removing the toxins and oil in the ducts;

• Orange peel is also effective in the healing of acne. It must be mixed with water and applied on the affected areas. Orange peel is known to have cleansing properties and can do wonders for the skin;

• Baking powder can do the job as well. Take required amount of baking powder and mix it with water to a thick paste. Apply the paste on the face and leave for four minutes. Then wash it off with cold water and pat the face dry with towel. The results show within weeks.

Besides these five wonderful home remedies one must drink plenty of water as it flushes out the toxins in the body. A healthy diet and exercise also helps in the prevention of acne. Try these and you can say goodbye to the problem at hand!

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